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Extensive Selection of Online Courses

Our diverse range of courses covers various subjects and skills designed to help you unlock your potential.

Online Tuition

Flexible and Personalised Online Learning Solutions!

We offer a range of learning solutions that meet your unique needs.


We provide online learning experiences where our students feel connected to the instructors.


Our qualified trainers ensure interaction with each student engaging them in discussions.


Our online classes provide the flexibility to learn at your own pace. You can choose from a variety of learning options.


No matter where you are in the world, you can access our classes anytime, anywhere.


We provide learning resources, including videos, presentations, and digital textbooks for a multi-dimensional learning experience.


We provide personalised guidance, monitor your progress, and offer additional assistance where needed.


We are Transforming Education!

We offer professional, academic, and after-school courses to suit every student’s needs.


We take pride in our team of highly skilled, experienced and trained instructors. They are committed to providing exceptional learning experiences, ensuring every student receives the support they need. Our trainers focus on creating a supportive and engaging learning environment to foster critical thinking. They are trained to understand the unique needs of every student and tailor learning techniques to ensure every student grasps all the concepts.


We have designed our courses to cater to diverse needs and interests. Our courses deliver comprehensive content with interactive learning materials. We have tailored our courses to a learner-centric approach, and all our courses are continuously updated to incorporate the latest relevant knowledge and advancements.


Our Vision is to empower learners of all ages by providing accessible, interactive and inclusive online and on-campus courses to overcome all learning barriers. Our courses aim to promote critical thinking, creativity and develop new interests in students.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions not answered in the FAQ, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What types of courses do you offer?
We offer a diverse range of online and on-campus courses, including homeschooling, adult education, after-school clubs, online tuition, and ESOL, IELTS, A1, and B1 language courses.
What qualifications do your trainers possess?
Our trainers at Tuition Times are highly qualified and experienced professionals in their respective fields. They are selected on the bases of their advanced degrees, certifications, and experience in their areas of expertise.
Are your courses up-to-date?
Our courses are regularly reviewed and updated by our team to ensure that the content remains relevant and aligned with latest standards.
Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.